Saturday 31 October 2009

Exhibition Poster

This is my gallery poster for my first exhibition, it is at The Cluny in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Gail Summerbell (Pin Up)

This is a pin up drawing of my beautiful Girlfriend, I have no idea how I got her. I am so lucky to have her.

In digital vector, inked colour and black and white.

Hayden Panettiere (Pin Up)

This is a pin up style drawing of Hayden Panettiere star of Heroes.

In both black and white and colour.

Hayden Panettiere

This is a four step drawing of Hayden Panettiere from Heroes.

Waggleface Mitchell

This piece was created though a series of photographs named 'Waggleface'. The subject loosens their face, shakes their head and a photograph is taken while in motion.

Pablo Diablo

This was a quick sketch of my friend Paul taken from a photo on my birthday night out. Long story shot Jannicke was drunk and wanted to play with eye liner.

I like this as it makes me think of the Joker, if Heath Ledger wasn't so amazing Paul could have been him!

Happy Halloween

This is a drawing of my mate Tom Hewison as a zombie, this was how he was dressed for halloween 2007 and it was really impressive right down to the contact lenses!

Of course that night he was 'The Tombie'!

Zack Braff (The Process)

This was to show the stages of the portait of Zach Braff.

This was one of the first celebrity portraits that I did.

Friday 30 October 2009

Heath Ledger

(I made this shortly after Heath Ledger's tragic death.)

After watching 'The Dark Knight' I wanted to draw Heath Ledger but not as The Joker as I think a lot of other people have already done that.

Anyway this is my Heath Ledger Portrait

Thursday 29 October 2009



This is just a short introduction to tell you a little about me, so here goes. My name is Steve Myers and I am a 27 year old mature student, I am currently studying 'Interactive Media Design' at Northumbria University and I am in my 2nd year. I live with my beautiful girlfriend Gail and our two cats Seth and Snoopy in Newcastle upon Tyne.

This blog will be used to display my art work for people to view and email me to enquire about commisions.

I mainly do pencil art but I have recently been dabbling with vector art. My commision work is usually my pencil work as I do portraits and pin up style drawings.

Anyway enough words more pictures.
